Join us for the 2018 Monarch Conservation Webinar Series, hosted by the Monarch Joint Venture and the USFWS National Conservation Training Center! On the 4th Tuesday of each month, we will dive into a new monarch conservation topic with expertise and experience from the MJV partnership and other organizations. Click on the title of a webinar below to register today.
Our first webinar of the year will start with a big picture perspective on monarch conservation by MJV Coordinator, Wendy Caldwell. Wendy will describe the conservation goals for monarchs in North America and a broad scale approach for engaging partners to help achieve those goals. From the perspective of the national Monarch Conservation Implementation Plan, she will illustrate how efforts across scales and topics are integrating for improved success in species recovery. Creating habitat for monarchs, other pollinators, wildlife and ecosystem services is a primary outcome of a broader strategy to engage, educate, and inspire new conservationists. Everyone has a role to play in protecting the monarch migration. This webinar will cover how MJV’s implementation pillars (habitat creation, research/monitoring, and education/outreach) work together to help us achieve our monarch and habitat targets. Join us on February 27th to set the tone for 2018 as a year of cooperation and coordination for monarchs! Register here. View the full series below and on our events page.
Webinar titles may be updated and additional presenters may be added to a webinar as the event approaches. More information and a description of each webinar will be available on our events page approximately one month before the webinar date, or earlier. If you register early you will receive email updates on the webinars you have signed up for as information becomes available, so register today. Don’t miss out on our exciting 2018 series!
- Title: On the Wings of Monarchs: A 10,000 foot view of species conservation
Date: Tuesday, 2/27/2018, 2 PM Eastern Time
Presenter: Wendy Caldwell, Monarch Joint Venture Coordinator - Title: Success Stories in Engaging the Agricultural Community in State Monarch Conservation Planning
Date: Tuesday 3/27/2018, 2 PM Eastern Time
Presenter: TBD, facilitated by Keystone Monarch Collaborative - Title: Understanding the Endangered Species Act
Date: Tuesday 4/24/2018, 2 PM Eastern Time
Presenter: Karen Anderson, USFWS Biologist - Title: The Power of Volunteers in Monarch Conservation
Date: Tuesday, 5/22/2018, 2 PM Eastern Time
Presenter: Rich Dolesh, National Recreation and Park Association Vice-President for Strategic Initiatives, with special guest presenters to share case studies of monarch volunteer management. - Title: Milkweed Seed Collection
Date: Tuesday 6/26/2018, 2 PM Eastern Time
Presenter: Monarch Watch, University of Kansas - Title: Meadow Establishment in the East
Date: Tuesday 7/24/2018, 2 PM Eastern Time
Presenters: Larry Weaner, Larry Weaner Landscape Associates Founder & Principal. Ann Aldrich, Dumbarton Oaks Park Conservancy, past Restoration Director. - Title: Getting Monarchs into Business: Case studies of monarch conservation
Date: Tuesday, August 28th, 2018. 2 PM Eastern Time
Presenters: Iris Caldwell, Energy Resources Center and Thelma Redick, Wildlife Habitat Council, with special guest presenters from business partners in monarch conservation. - Title: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Monarch predators and disease
Date: Tuesday September 25th, 2018. 2 PM Eastern Time
Presenter: Dr. Sonia Altizer, Project Monarch Health, University of Georgia. - Title: "5th Generation" Monarchs: What do we know and not know?
Date: Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018. 2 PM Eastern Time
Presenter: Dr. Kristen Baum, Oklahoma State University - Title: Where are the Monarchs and Milkweeds? Crowd-sourcing, modeling, and surveying across the West
Date: Tuesday, November 27th, 2018. 2 PM Eastern Time
Presenters: Emma Pelton, Conservation Biologist and Candace Fallon, Senior Conservation Biologist, the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
The Monarch Joint Venture is a national partnership of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, and academic programs working together to conserve the monarch butterfly migration. The content in this article does not necessarily reflect the positions of all Monarch Joint Venture partners. Header photo by Wendy Caldwell.