The Monarchs and More Western Habitat Program (M&MWHP), provides regionally specific seed mixes, milkweed plugs when appropriate, and technical assistance for pollinator plantings on land in California and Southern Oregon for free or highly subsidized based on land steward need. The seed mixes include regionally specific wildflowers, including annuals and perennials, designed with overlapping bloom periods throughout the growing season. We are excited to engage land stewards in the establishment of self-sustaining native habitat to support all pollinators.

Support Western Habitat

Don't have the space for a project, but still want to help us get more quality pollinator habitat on the western landscape? Donate directly to the Monarchs and More Western Habitat fund and help us cover the material costs of this program like seed mixes and milkweed plugs. Your gift in any amount makes a significant difference for western monarchs, pollinators, and the environment.
How to Participate*
Interested parties must submit a short online interest form. A second phase of the selection process will involve an informational call with MJV staff. Projects that don’t meet the minimum requirements will be notified via email. Interest forms will be reviewed on a rolling basis while funding lasts, with prioritization given to interest received before May 1st. Projects that are eligible will be notified of their status in the program on a rolling basis and as soon as possible, but no later than the end of May.
*The 2024-2025 Monarchs and More Western Habitat Program is now accepting interest forms!
If you have any questions about this program, please contact MJV’s Western Program Coordinator, Erin Arnsteen, at

Additional Resources
Western Habitat Partners
We are proud to work with a number of wonderful partner organizations from across the country who are helping to promote, establish, and maintain diverse pollinator habitat in the West! The following programs and organizations are great additional resources for expanding pollinator support on your lands.
Seeds for Bees is a cover crop program managed by Project Apis m.
Bee Friendly Farming is a farm certification managed by Pollinator Partnership
Bee Better Certified is a farm certification program managed by the Xerces Society with third-party verification by Oregon Tilth.
Xerces Society offers a complete set of informational resources and technical assistance for California, offers habitat kits, and maintains the Western Monarch Milkweed Mapper to report sightings of monarchs.
California Association of Resource Conservation Districts manages the statewide network of RCDs that support more localized technical assistance on pollinators and many other conservation practices.
Suggested Reading
Milkweed Misconceptions (See page 2 for information on milkweed and animals/livestock)
Timing Management in Monarch Breeding Habitat (Western specific, Xerces Society)
California 422A Hedgerow Planting for Pollinators (Xerces Society)
California 327A Conservation Cover for Pollinators (Xerces Society)
Nesting & Overwintering Habitat for Pollinators & Other Beneficial Insects (Xerces Society)
We would like to acknowledge Project Apis m. for launching this program under their Seeds for Bees initiative in 2020 and for their partnership with the MJV to help it succeed. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation provides funding for technical assistance and plant materials through their Monarch Butterflies and Pollinators Conservation Fund. Additional financial support for plant materials is provided by Bayer Research and Development Services, the Almond Board of California, tentree, and the Barton J Ingraham and Gail G Ingraham Foundation. Central Valley native milkweed plugs are provided by Monarch Watch.