The Northeast Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (NEAFWA) is the newest member of the Monarch Joint Venture. NEAFWA will serve on the Monarch Joint Venture steering committee, as a representative of state wildlife and conservation agencies in the northeastern United States. We are pleased to welcome them to the partnership and steering committee!
“Today’s conservation challenges require close cooperation and collaboration with state and federal natural resource agencies, non-governmental partners, and academic institutions. In joining the Monarch Joint Venture, the northeastern states look forward to making a solid contribution to the collective efforts to conserve this iconic species,” said NEAFWA President Catherine Sparks of Rhode Island.
NEAFWA represents 20 jurisdictions in Canada and the northeastern U.S. These agencies are responsible for all aspects of fish and wildlife management in their respective jurisdictions, and many contain large areas of potential and existing monarch habitat. The management practices of NEAFWA agencies therefore may play a significant role in improving the status of the eastern monarch population.
State fish and wildlife agencies can also provide an excellent way for the public to engage with their environment, and learn about conservation. The northeast has a strong connection to monarchs and is already a significant source of public support for work to protect and enhance monarch butterfly populations. Together, MJV and NEAFWA can further promote monarch butterfly conservation to the public.
“The MJV looks forward to partnering with NEAFWA to promote monarch friendly management practices, habitat conservation and public outreach throughout the northeastern U.S.” says Monarch Joint Venture coordinator Wendy Caldwell.
The Monarch Joint Venture is a national partnership of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, and academic programs working together to conserve the monarch butterfly migration. The content in this article does not necessarily reflect the positions of all Monarch Joint Venture partners. Header photo by Denny Brooks.