Just in time for the holidays, the MJV has new items for you to get the perfect gifts this season and support monarchs!
The new Pollinator Ambassador Notebook is a great stocking stuffer for just $8.00.
Shop for the Pollinator Ambassador Notebook Now!
We have a new, softer, fabric for our best selling T shirts as well! Your friends and family (or you!) can be a pollinator ambassador with this beautiful and comfortable tee. Add the notebook and get the “Pollinator Ambassador Bundle” to save $3! Enter code MJVAMBASSADORBUNDLE at checkout to get this exclusive discount!
Get the Pollinator Ambassador T Shirt here!
Have lots of gifts to give, or want the complete MJV package? Grab our MJV Nalgene Water Bottle (BPA free and durable!) with the t shirt and notebook and save even more! Enter code MJVBUNDLE3 at checkout to get $5 off your purchase of all three items!
Get your MJV Water Bottle today!
Shop today, these codes expire at midnight on December 17th!
Give the gift of monarch conservation for the holidays! All proceeds of MJV items support our work to protect the monarch migration for future generations. Visit the monarch store today to shop.
The Monarch Joint Venture is a national partnership of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, and academic programs working together to conserve the monarch butterfly migration. The content in this article does not necessarily reflect the positions of all Monarch Joint Venture partners. Pollinator Ambassador graphic designed by Emily Holt.