The monarch migration is upon us, and there is no better time to act to help protect this iconic species. As we anticipate leaves changing color and brisk autumn temperatures, monarchs too are recognizing that things are changing. To prepare for the migration south to their overwintering grounds, they are in search of colorful patches of habitat with blooming nectar plants to fuel their journey. Only if these charismatic butterflies have enough breeding and migratory habitat to survive will our children and grandchildren and generations to come have the opportunity to build their own memories of this amazing orange and black butterfly. You can contribute to their conservation today by joining our crowdfunded campaign to fund Monarch Joint Venture monarch conservation projects.
As a national conservation partnership working with over 50 partners nationwide working together to preserve the migration, the MJV plays a vital role in monarch conservation. The MJV coordinates monarch conservation, research, monitoring, and education projects nationwide. With help from monarch supporters like you, more conservation projects across the country will take shape and more monarchs will take flight.
The Monarch Conservation Implementation Plan guides MJV conservation actions within and beyond the partnership. Each year, program funds are set aside to help our partners move these actions forward. To see a list of previously supported projects, see our page on MJV Funded Projects. With your support through this campaign, the MJV will dedicate all of the funds raised to directly benefit monarch conservation through strategic projects throughout the nation.
From educational gardens to prairies that span hundreds of acres, monarchs need our help as we restore habitat, improve our understanding of the best ways to protect this charismatic butterfly, and increase people’s awareness of how they can help. Serve monarchs today with a gift to our cause.
The Monarch Joint Venture is a national partnership of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, and academic programs working together to conserve the monarch butterfly migration. The content in this article does not necessarily reflect the positions of all Monarch Joint Venture partners. Header photo by Wendy Caldwell.