In spirit of the warming spring weather, MJV would like to promote the plant sales and plant material resources our partners are providing. Gardening is a great social distancing activity, and many vendors are offering curbside pickup or delivery. Besides gardening being a fun activity that can beautify your outdoor space, you would also be aiding in creating more pollinator habitat. Pollinator and monarch habitat is vital for conserving monarch butterflies, and every garden counts!
Listed below are plant materials resources our partners are providing:
- The Monarch Alliance and Potomac Audubon (located in Boonsboro, Maryland) are partnering to offer a curb-side pick-up native plant sale on May 30.
- Monarch Watch's spring plant sale is also coming up on May 16-23, order online and pick-up in Lawrence, Kansas.
- Milkweed market (Monarch Watch) offers online ordering for milkweed plugs.
- Monarch Watch have also compiled a Milkweed Seed Vendor List.
- Conservation Blueprint offers custom seed mixes.
- Minnesota Native Landscapes is now selling their new "pocket prairie". These kits are $149 and includes 27 MN native perennial plants.
- Prairie Restorations in Minnesota offers a variety of pollinator-friendly plants and seed mixes.
- Our new partner, Hedgerow Farms, is offering a California Monarch Kit. These kits contain 4-7 native perennial wildflower species, and 1600 plugs of nectar and milkweed plants.
- United Prairie Foundation is currently hosting a 2020 plant sale.
- Pheasants Forever has many different regional pollinator seed mixes available for purchase. They also build custom seed mixes to best fit the location of the project.
- Xerces has created a vendor milkweed seed finder. Use this tool to find native plant and milkweed vendors near you!
- Monarchs Across Georgia has linked to some recommendations (provided by Georgia Native Plant Initiative) for native plant nurseries (mostly in the Georgia Area).
- The Pollinator Partnership is promoting the sale of Pollinator Push Gardens created by Modern Sprout. 10% of the proceeds go towards the Pollinator Partnership.
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center offers a variety of native (to Texas) plants.
- The Missouri Prairie Foundation is hosting numerous 2020 plant sales which can be found under the events page.
Thank you for supporting our partners and creating habitat that will benefit monarchs (and many other species)!