Monarch Joint Venture is pleased to announce the recent addition of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) as a partner in monarch conservation. As an organization representing 15 state fish and wildlife agencies from Florida to Texas, SEAFWA will bring significant knowledge and insight into the implementation of the North American Monarch Conservation Plan, the Monarch Joint Venture’s guiding document. We are excited to welcome SEAFWA to our partnership for their wildlife management expertise, valuable connections in key regions for monarch conservation and increased presence of state agencies in the MJV. Together we will work to restore monarch habitat across the Southeastern states and connect SEAFWA’s efforts with other MJV partners and opportunities. Additionally, a SEAFWA representative will serve on the MJV Steering Committee. David Eichler, Senior Advisor to the Deputy Executive Director of Natural Resources with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department will be the initial SEAFWA representative serving in this role.
There are 15 state agencies represented as members of SEAFWA who, respective to their state, are the primary agency responsible for management of fish and wildlife resources. The states in the region include Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. This region provides essential migrating habitat for monarchs during their spring and fall migrations and is critical for its role in providing breeding habitat (milkweed) for monarchs each spring.
SEAFWA works with their agency partners to achieve goals benefiting fish and wildlife resources, including monarchs and other pollinators. They maintain committees consisting of professionals who explore and analyze a wide range of issues and factors affecting fish and wildlife resources and make recommendations to help mitigate those issues. Additionally, they sponsor cooperative fish and wildlife programs among member states and other entities to address issues of mutual interest and to benefit fish and wildlife resources.
Visit SEAFWA’s website for more information about their work, and look for future updates about our joint monarch conservation efforts!