The Monarch Joint Venture continues to grow as we welcome the latest addition to our organization: the Native Plant Society of Texas! NPSOT is a member based non-profit whose mission is to promote research, conservation and utilization of native plants and plant habitats of Texas through education, outreach and example. We are thrilled to bring their organization of 32 local chapters into our partnership.
Texas is a high priority state for the nation’s conservation efforts because the state plays a significant role in supporting both the spring and fall migration of monarchs. Native plants and habitats are essential to the survival of the eastern monarch during migration periods. The mission of the Native Plant Society of Texas aligns directly with creating more suitable habitat for monarchs in this key region.
NPSOT sponsors many programs, and each of their chapters is involved in their own education and conservation projects as well. Among the projects they sponsor is a monarch garden grant program, now in its third year. NPSOT invites applicants to submit proposals for monarch butterfly gardens, and awards small grants to enable awardees to purchase native milkweed and native nectar plants for the gardens. Most of these grants go to schools and community groups. A volunteer committee visits these gardens to guide and monitor their success. NPSOT also provides educational programs for sponsoring groups that describe the monarch migration and life cycle and the importance of native plants.
NPSOT also educates the public about monarchs, milkweed and native plants through their website and social media, as well as through workshops, classes and other educational programs. They are involved in efforts to increase the availability of native milkweed and many of their local chapters make native milkweed available at annual plant sales.
An existing MJV partner, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, has a longstanding partnership with NPSOT, and they jointly sponsor an annual native plant symposium. NPSOT promotes Monarch Watch’s Monarch Waystation concept in Texas, and also collaborates with Texas Master Gardeners, Texas Master Naturalists, Texas Parks and Wildlife and the US Fish & Wildlife Service to spread the message of native plant and monarch conservation.
The Monarch Joint Venture is looking forward to working with NPSOT to further their valuable programs in Texas’ essential habitat for monarchs as they undergo their migratory journeys.