The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has announced approximately $3.9 million in funding for monarch conservation projects through the Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund. The funding will be granted to “projects that significantly advance monarch butterfly conservation in the monarch butterfly range in North America”. The deadline to apply is Monday May 2nd, 2016.
This year, the Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund has three priority goals critical to monarch population recovery:
- “increasing connectivity in habitat for monarchs (i.e., habitat conservation, restoration, and improved land management practices);
- enhancing coordination and capacity of monarch butterfly conservation efforts; and
- improving the seed supply of regionally adapted and native milkweeds and nectar-producing plant species.”
Grant length may be up to two years and funding awarded will generally range in size from $50,000 to $250,000. Matching non-U.S. federal funds are required. Awards will be announced in mid-August, and an applicant webinar will take place April 5th at 2 PM EST for applicants to get direction and ask questions.
Monarch Joint Venture partners received grants in 2015 from the Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund for a wide variety of monarch conservation projects. We hope our partners and connections will continue to take advantage of this excellent resource, and encourage partnerships among organizations in their proposals. We encourage anyone interested in applying for funds to utilize the priorities and actions for monarch conservation outlined in the 2016 Monarch Conservation Implementation Plan.
For more details and how to apply, view the full RFP and related information on the NFWF Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund website.
The content in this article does not necessarily reflect the positions of all Monarch Joint Venture partners. Content in this article was quoted from the Monarch Conservation Fund 2016 Request for Proposals.