Welcome to MonarchNet News, an E-newsletter dedicated to monarch and butterfly citizen science projects. Do you tag monarch butterflies during migration or monitor larvae in the summer? Perhaps you are curious about how the data collected by citizen scientists like yourself are used. If so, join us to explore different butterfly citizen science projects and meet volunteers from across the country who contribute so much to their conservation!
The Monarch Joint Venture wants to increase monarch monitoring efforts, and the analysis of the resulting data. The goal of this newsletter is to provide a forum for sharing outcomes from these projects and encourage more volunteers to participate in monarch citizen science. This first edition is just an introduction; we look forward to your input on the content of future issues.
In this edition, find out:
- What is Citizen Science?
- What are the different monarch citizen science projects that are currently in progress.
- Link to a video on citizen science from the University of Minnesota Extension.
Ready to read more? Join us at MonarchNet News