If you are in need of locally-sourced, pesticide-free milkweed plants for your habitat projects for 2018, the Milkweed Market is an excellent resource. See below for more information, or visit their website here. If you are looking for other habitat planning resources, visit the MJV’s www.plantmilkweed.org!
Now is the time to plan your 2018 habitat project or Monarch Waystation planting. Monarch Watch is taking pre-orders for milkweed purchases through the Milkweed Market. Most species are $74 a flat of 32, and Texas species are $93.50 for a flat of 50 plants. (Purchases are made at time of pre-order.) Share a flat with another gardener, or use the plants as a fundraiser. They can resale for up to $5 a plant! These are restoration-quality plants that are trimmed prior to shipping, and because they are pesticide-free, they may carry aphids. Delivery is expected to begin to most locations in early May and to Texas in April, depending on weather.
Species selection is limited to seed supply, so consider sending Monarch Watch several ounces of ripe, wild-harvested, cleaned, identified and well-labeled milkweed seeds this coming fall. They especially need swamp milkweed and butterflyweed seeds.
Free Milkweeds for Restoration Projects Grant: “Restoration” projects are those where habitat has been disturbed and the land is being managed to return the vegetation to its natural state. (Gardens are not eligible.) Projects that are two acres or larger are eligible. Monarch Watch has funding in place for distribution of 100,000 milkweed plugs in 2018, and they are always looking for more funding. They are currently accepting applications for Spring 2018. Recipients are responsible for shipping costs. The link to the free milkweed information page and application is provided below.
Please apply or share the link with all who might be interested in large scale milkweed plantings on both private and public lands. Monarch Watch has distributed 320,000 free milkweeds for habitat restoration projects across the Eastern United States since the project began Fall 2015.
Information and application: http://monarchwatch.org/bring-back-the-monarchs/milkweed/free-milkweeds-for-restoration-projects/
Free Milkweeds for Schools and Non-Profits: Through a separate grant, schools and educational non-profit organizations can apply for one free flat of milkweed to be planted on campus or in public gardens at the link below. Be sure to review the Sample Form prior to beginning the application.
Texas applicants will need to share a flat with another school or non-profit, so please contact Monarch Watch to let them know who you are pairing up with.
Application: https://biosurvey.ku.edu/application-free-milkweed-nonprofits-and-schools
Sample form: http://monarchwatch.org/a/2018-sample-form.pdf
Questions? Email monarch@ku.edu.
Monarch Watch contributed content to this article. The Monarch Joint Venture is a national partnership of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, and academic programs working together to conserve the monarch butterfly migration. The content in this article does not necessarily reflect the positions of all Monarch Joint Venture partners. Photo: Monarch Watch Milkweed Market