Dr. Karen Oberhauser from the University of Minnesota Monarch Lab was selected for the White House Citizen Science Champion of Change Award for her extensive work in monarch citizen science. She is the founder and coordinator of the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project, a citizen science effort to monitor monarch egg and larval distribution and abundance throughout the monarch breeding range (www.mlmp.org). Citizen scientist volunteers, monarch researchers, and many others that Karen has reached over the years supported Karen for this award with nomination letters to the White House sharing their thoughts about Karen and the amazing work that she has done in monarch conservation, education, and citizen science.
The following excerpt from a nomination letter by Candy Sarikonda, Monarch Watch Conservation Specialist, describes Karen's outstanding efforts in the field of monarch citizen science:
"Karen will not hesitate to answer any question, trudge through any swamp, or repeatedly get her hands dirty alongside volunteers - and do so with the grace, genuine love, and respect for her volunteers that is unmatched by other leaders."
Karen's supporters were invited to help her celebrate this award at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on June 25th, 2013. A message from the Executive Office of the President:
"Each week, the White House features a group of Americans – individuals, businesses and organizations – who are doing extraordinary things to empower and inspire members of their communities. On June 25th, White House officials will participate in a discussion with these Champions to learn more about the amazing progress that can result when you engage large groups of interested citizens, including many non-experts, in science research."
The profiles and blogs are posted on the White House website, and a video of the event is on YouTube.