The Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative (OPHI) is a state based network that was formed in an effort to improve pollinator awareness and habitat across the state. Their strategic network of partners focuses on habitat creation and enhancement, education, and outreach. The Monarch Joint Venture is pleased to welcome OPHI as a new partner to further engage Ohio and the surrounding region in conservation for monarchs and other pollinators.
The collaborative nature of OPHI is working to engage stakeholders in a variety of landscapes in Ohio. With the need for concerted efforts at all scales, this engagement and state level partnerships are key to monarch conservation success. The notion of statewide planning for monarch and/or pollinator conservation is growing rapidly, and provides promising opportunities for collaboration, resource sharing, and improved efficiency. OPHI’s strategic goal is to establish habitat for all pollinators throughout the state by raising awareness through strategic landscape level projects both big and small that create, enhance or restore vital habitat for all pollinators. The charismatic monarch butterfly serves as a flagship species to encourage conservation for all pollinators. MJV is proud to welcome the Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative to our partnership.