Pennies for Monarchs is a grassroots organization aimed at spreading awareness for the monarch conservation movement and spurring action. Pennies for Monarchs’ approach is to engage people door-to-door, engage leaders in public office and engage children to save the monarch butterfly. The MJV is excited to support their continued success as a new partner organization.
“We rely on the citizen-science partners of MJV to provide us with the facts and data – our goal is to take them to the everyday audience,” said David Donofrio, the president and founder of Pennies for Monarchs. "We are an active, grassroots movement that will engage people door-to-door, engage our leaders in public office and engage our children in an epic campaign to save the monarch butterfly - and being partners with Monarch Joint Venture will help take our work to the next level."
Pennies for Monarchs is working to bring monarch conservation to people’s doorsteps, to schools and to public office. They work to educate people and provide them with concrete action steps to be part of the solution. They engage children in classrooms and at events through education and penny wars for monarchs. They support leaders in public office in committing to help their communities make a difference. These tactics will help spread awareness and action for the conservation of monarchs, pollinators, and their habitats.
We look forward to working with Pennies for Monarchs, and the new monarch advocates they are bringing in as invaluable members to the monarch conservation movement!
The Monarch Joint Venture is a national partnership of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, businesses and academic programs working together to conserve the monarch butterfly migration. The content in this article does not necessarily reflect the positions of all Monarch Joint Venture partners. Header photo by Candy Sarikonda.