MJV’s newest partner, Pollinator Friendly Alliance (PFA), is a Minnesota nonprofit whose mission is “to protect and restore pollinators to improve the environment and sustain our food supply”. Their vision is to live in a world that “values the environment, our land and waters, and lives in harmony with pollinators”.
The PFA’s key initiatives include pollinator advocacy, education, community stewardship, pesticide education and reduction, and habitat restoration. They have been enacting these initiatives through many restoration and outreach projects. Some examples include the PolliNATION Festival, the Earth Chapters webinar series, and the Pollinator Best Practices Summit. They have also conducted habitat restoration projects that demonstrate pollinator protection. Recently, PFA created Minnesota’s first pollinator park in Stillwater (MN), a Butterfly Landing restoration at Pine Point Park, and a bumble bee sanctuary at Lake Elmo Park Reserve. These demonstration areas serve as sites for events and educational programs such as citizen science pollinator counts.
PFA continuously works with Minnesota communities and government agencies to come to pollinator friendly resolutions and best practices for parks and other habitat related projects. This organization has been actively creating change for pollinators and monarchs in Minnesota, and the MJV is excited to bring them into our network of partners working to conserve monarchs and other pollinators across the U.S.
For more information on the Pollinator Friendly Alliance, please visit their website at https://www.pollinatorfriendly.org/.
The Monarch Joint Venture is a national partnership of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, businesses and academic programs working together to conserve the monarch butterfly migration. The content in this article does not necessarily reflect the positions of all Monarch Joint Venture partners. Header photo provided by PFA.