The Monarch Joint Venture is pleased to announce that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TWPD) is joining our partnership.
As a state agency of Texas, the TPWD’s mission is to manage and conserve the natural and cultural resources of Texas and to provide hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation opportunities for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. TPWD manages and conserves the state’s natural and cultural resources and provides recreation, conservation education and historical interpretation across the state. They are well suited to coordinate and implement monarch education and conservation across the state with this background.
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has been involved in a variety of monarch butterfly conservation efforts. TPWD was instrumental in developing the North American Monarch Conservation Plan by hosting the conference that prompted its creation. They have also organized a statewide workshop to provide training on monarch monitoring techniques to nature centers, state parks, various conservation organizations, Master Naturalists and any other interested stakeholders.
To help with this work, the TPWD works with a variety of partners including private landowners and the USFWS. They have a variety of media outlets and conservation programs aimed at education and implementation of conservation strategies.
Texas is a crucial area for the migration and breeding of monarch butterflies, as it is their first stop on their journey north into the rest of the United States and Canada. The Monarch Joint Venture is proud to partner with TWPD and three other organizations in this critical state, and we look forward to supporting an interconnected web of monarch butterfly conservation actions with our Texan partners.
For more information, visit the TPWD monarch page on their website.