The MJV is excited to welcome Manomet to the partnership. Manomet uses science and collaboration to strengthen bird migration routes, coastal ecosystems, and working lands and seas across the western hemisphere. They have long focused on migratory birds, and work in habitats from the north slope of Alaska to the southern tip of Argentina. For over 50 years, they have formed vital partnerships with businesses, producers, and educators, to help nature and local communities thrive, and to make our world a more resilient place.
Manomet brings a long history of environmental monitoring and public outreach, and deep expertise in the development and successful implementation of conservation plans for species whose migrations bring them across state and national boundaries. Through their exploration of the intersection between bird and monarch butterfly conservation, they have developed some innovative educational programs focused on monarchs, milkweeds, and pollinators. Their headquarters includes a 100-year-old native plants garden and six acres of meadow/prairie habitat that is actively managed to support migratory species including monarch butterflies. Although their management practices have been butterfly-friendly over the years, they are drafting and implementing a stewardship management plan that explicitly includes monarch butterflies for the first time in their history.
Manomet’s expertise in monarch-related and relevant habitats and systems positions them well to be a collaborator in the MJV network. Like the MJV, science is at the core of Manomet’s work. We look forward to having their diverse expertise in habitat, science, education, and collaboration within the MJV network, and to connecting them with our partners to build strong monarch and pollinator programs. For more information about Manomet, please visit: www.manomet.org
The Monarch Joint Venture is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and a national partnership of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, businesses and academic programs working together to conserve the monarch butterfly migration. The content in this article does not necessarily reflect the positions of all Monarch Joint Venture partners. Photo courtesy of Manomet.