Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do to help monarchs this summer?
Everyone can get involved in monarch conservation! You can help in a few important ways this summer.
- Create Habitat: plant native milkweed and flowers for monarchs. Monarchs can only eat milkweed as caterpillars, and adult monarchs drink nectar from a variety of flowers! Visit for tips and resources to create monarch habitat.
- Spread the Word: we need all hands on deck to bring back the monarch population. Get creative, and spread the word in all kinds of ways! Here are some ideas; talk to your neighbors about monarchs and native habitat, put up a sign explaining your habitat, or do a presentation in your community. You can find resources to help you educate others here.
- Study monarchs: You can contribute to active monarch research by participating in community science. Whether it's a one-time report, monitoring your garden every week, or going to a high-priority site to monitor habitat, you can plug in however is best for you. Find out about the many monarch community science programs here, and join us for the International Monarch Monitoring Blitz this summer July 27 - August 4!
- Join Miles for Monarchs: If you're planning to get outdoors and meet some fitness goals this summer, you can help monarchs on their migration as you go. MJV and Pheasants Forever are partnering with athletes across North America to run, walk, bike, swim, or paddle the monarch migration while raising funds for monarch conservation at the same time! Learn more and sign up here!