Roadside Habitat for Monarchs Project:

The Monarch Joint Venture and partners at the University of Minnesota, Oklahoma State University, Environmental Incentives, and the Xerces Society developed tools for transportation managers to evaluate monarch habitat in their roadside rights-of-ways. Click here to read more information about this project.
Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances for Rights-of-Way: Transportation agencies, gas and electric utilities and other energy organizations, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are working together to develop a national Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances (CCAA) to help protect and restore monarch and other pollinator habitats in rights-of-way and associated landscapes. Find more information about the Rights-of-Way As Habitat Working Group here.
Monarch Highway: Many state DOTs have ongoing efforts to protect and restore monarch and pollinator habitats on their own lands and adjacent areas. The "Monarch Highway" is one such effort, a collaboration of state DOTs across the monarch's central flyway. Other state initiatives are also listed below. Click here to read about who is involved and what you can do to help.