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Monarch Joint Venture Blog

PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is the Newest Member of the MJV Partnership

Jan 06, 2021


  • MJV Partnership News

The mission of the PA DCNR is to conserve and sustain Pennsylvania’s natural resources for present and future generations’ use and enjoyment.  Read More

More Than Monarchs: The Arts

Dec 28, 2020


  • More than Monarchs

Searching online the words “monarch butterfly art” provides more than 600,000 sites to explore. Add in other arts such as fashion, music, and jewelry, and there are more than a million websites. Why all the flutter?  Read More

MJV Welcomes Butterfly Pavilion as a New Partner Organization

Dec 22, 2020


  • MJV Partnership News

Butterfly Pavilion is the first stand-alone, Association of Zoos and Aquariums-accredited non-profit invertebrate zoo in the world. Read More

FAQ: December 2020 ESA Listing Decision for Monarch Butterflies

Dec 16, 2020


  • Important Monarch News

Check out our FAQ about the recent decision by the USFWS that listing the monarch butterfly under the Endangered Species Act is warranted but precluded. Read More

Listing Monarch Butterflies Under the Endangered Species Act is “Warranted but Precluded”

Dec 15, 2020


  • Important Monarch News

The USFWS concluded today that listing the monarch butterfly under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) is “warranted but precluded”. Learn more about what this decision means for monarchs. Read More