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Monarch Joint Venture Blog

Can roadside habitat lead monarchs on a route to recovery?

Mar 09, 2017


  • Recent Research

With monarch populations declining in large part due to habitat loss, monarch habitat is needed across all landscapes. In addition to restored prairies, pollinator gardens, and urban park habitat, roadsides provide potential for habitat restoration. Read More

Iowa Partnership Unveils State Monarch Conservation Strategy

Mar 01, 2017


  • Conservation Stories

Iowa is an important state for monarch conservation, and their efforts provide a great statewide model for monarch conservation planning and implementation. They recently released Iowa’s state monarch conservation strategy, described here. Read More

Fostering Young Conservationists: Great Parks of Hamilton County and Rothenberg Preparatory Academy

Feb 23, 2017


  • Conservation Stories
  • MJV Partnership News

Great Parks of Hamilton County is partnering with Rothernburg Preparatory Academy to inspire an interest in the natural world in their students, using monarchs and their rooftop garden. Read More

Eastern Monarch Population Numbers Drop 27%

Feb 16, 2017


  • Population Trends

This year’s measurement of the eastern monarch overwintering population showed a 27% decrease compared to last year, occupying 2.91 hectares of forest in Mexico’s transvolcanic mountains during the winter of 2016-17. Read More

Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin Becomes a Monarch Joint Venture Partner

Feb 15, 2017


  • MJV Partnership News

The Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin is partnering with the Monarch Joint Venture to support efforts to save the monarch migration. Read More