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Monarch Joint Venture Blog

New Publication Highlights the Impact of IMMP

Jun 07, 2019


  • Community Science
  • Recent Research

“This program is especially important because it integrates data on habitat – milkweed and nectar plants – with data on monarch use, which really hasn’t been done before at this scale.” -Alison Cariveau, Monarch Joint Venture (MJV) Science Coordinator Read More

Survey Says: Americans Support Pollinators and Want to Know How to Help

May 21, 2019


  • Conservation Stories
  • Recent Research

A recent survey by our partner the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) shows that the public is looking for ways to get involved to save our pollinators. Read More

Join the 2018 International Monarch Monitoring Blitz to help save the monarch butterfly

Jul 18, 2018


  • Community Science
  • Recent Research

From July 28 to August 5, 2018, citizens from Canada, the United States and Mexico are invited to participate in the second International Monarch Monitoring Blitz to help identify the monarch butterfly's breeding sites. Read More

A 10,000 Foot View of Monarch Conservation

Apr 05, 2018


  • Community Science
  • Conservation Stories
  • Migration
  • MJV Partnership News
  • Population Trends
  • Recent Research

Monarch conservation has a rich history of science, discovery, and partnerships that has led us to today. As monarchs continue to face complex challenges in our changing landscape, it is important to understand where we’ve been and where we are headed. Read More

Announcing the 2018 Monarch Conservation Webinar Series!

Feb 12, 2018


  • Conservation Stories
  • MJV Partnership News
  • Recent Research

Join us for the 2018 Monarch Conservation Webinar Series! On the 4th Tuesday of each month, we will dive into a new monarch conservation topic with expertise and experience from the MJV partnership and other organizations. Hosted by USFWS NCTC and the MJV. Read More