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Monarch Joint Venture Blog

Tribute to the monarch butterfly: Ohioans gather milkweed seeds to save a species

Sep 28, 2017


  • Conservation Stories
  • MJV Partnership News

Last fall, hundreds of Ohioans worked together to collect approximately 200 pounds of common milkweed seeds, totaling over 19 million seeds! These seeds will be used to support monarch conservation projects across the state. Read More

MJV Welcomes the Kansas City Native Plant Initiative!

Sep 18, 2017


  • MJV Partnership News

With their strong belief in collaboration and supporting organizations with similar missions, it is no surprise that the Kansas City Native Plant Initiative is the newest partner of MJV! Read More

Bringing Back the Monarch to Malibu

Sep 06, 2017


  • MJV Partnership News

In the spring of 2014, a group of Malibu residents became consciously aware of the plight of the monarch butterfly. A group of locals came together in an attempt to restore the overwintering monarchs in Malibu; they created the Malibu Monarch Project. Read More

You’re Invited!

Aug 23, 2017


  • MJV Partnership News

The Monarch Joint Venture's Celebrating Monarchs! Monarch Joint Venture Reception and Silent Auction will take place on Nov. 7th 2017 at the San Antonio Zoo in San Antonio, Texas. Come support the MJV and help monarchs take flight! Read More

The Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources Partners for Monarchs

Aug 22, 2017


  • MJV Partnership News

Monarch conservation requires all-hands-on-deck with involvement on all levels from individuals to large corporations and governmental agencies. The members of MJV’s newest partner, Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources, parallel that approach. Read More