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Monarch Joint Venture Blog

Project Apis m. Joins the MJV Partnership!

Oct 02, 2020


  • MJV Partnership News

MJV’s newest partner is Project Apis m. (PAm), a 501c5 organization. Founded in 2006, they are focused on honey bee health and crop pollination. Read More

More than Monarchs: NAPPC Celebrates 20 Years of Diverse Coalition-Building

Sep 25, 2020


  • More than Monarchs

Can a small group of committed individuals make a difference in pollinator conservation, or in any other movement for change? Read More

The State Botanical Garden of Georgia Joins the MJV Partnership!

Sep 22, 2020


  • MJV Partnership News

As a unit of the University of Georgia, the garden’s mission is to “nurture an environment for learning, inspiration and engagement through horticulture, conservation, science based programs and lasting partnerships”. Read More

Monarch Conservation Spotlight: Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge

Sep 15, 2020


  • Monarch Conservation Spotlight

This month we interviewed Kassie Karssen, wildlife biologist at Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service about her monarch and pollinator conservation efforts. Read More

San Diego Zoo Global Joins the MJV Partnership!

Sep 11, 2020


  • MJV Partnership News

MJV’s newest partner is San Diego Zoo Global (SDZG). SDZG is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to save species worldwide by uniting our expertise in animal and plant care and conservation science with our dedication to inspiring passion for nature. Read More