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Monarch Joint Venture Blog

More than Monarchs: Diplomacy - Conservation and International Cooperation

Aug 28, 2020


  • More than Monarchs

What does diplomacy have to do with monarch butterflies? People often think of diplomacy as negotiating peace treaties after a war or something very formal that takes place in fancy rooms. But in reality it takes many forms and happens every day. Read More

Monarch Conservation Spotlight: M3 Monarch Migration Study

Aug 12, 2020


  • Monarch Conservation Spotlight

This month we interviewed André Green II (University of Michigan, Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology), Inhee Lee (University of Pittsburgh, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering), David Blaauw (University of Michigan, Read More

More than Monarchs: Connections through Community Science

Jul 31, 2020


  • Community Science
  • More than Monarchs

Monarchs have a fascinating ability to draw people in. Read More

Monarch Conservation Spotlight: Monarch Wings Across California

Jul 29, 2020


  • Monarch Conservation Spotlight

This month we interviewed Kelly Rourke, the Director of Programs and Operations at Pollinator Partnership (P2) about their Monarch Wings Across California project. Read More

The Oklahoma Monarch & Pollinator Collaborative Joins the MJV Partnership!

Jul 22, 2020


  • MJV Partnership News

MJV’s newest partner is the Oklahoma Monarch & Pollinator Collaborative (Okies for Monarchs), which was founded in the Fall of 2016. This consortium created a statewide monarch conservation plan that aims to engage all Oklahomans. Read More