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Monarch Joint Venture Blog

Counting Western Monarchs

Jan 13, 2016


  • Community Science
  • Conservation Stories
  • Migration
  • Population Trends

Candy Sarikonda, Monarch Watch Conservation Specialist, writes about her experience monitoring western monarchs at the Pacific Grove Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary. Find out what it's like to count monarchs and learn how you can get involved today! Read More

Happy Holidays from the Monarch Joint Venture!

Dec 23, 2015


  • Conservation Stories
  • Migration

For people, the holidays are a season of gathering, reflection and giving thanks. For monarchs, winter is also a time of gathering and waiting for the next journey that awaits them. Read More

Monarch Habitat on Farms in the Agricultural Midwest: An update from the field

Dec 21, 2015


  • Conservation Stories
  • MJV Partnership News

Our partners working to install demonstration sites in Midwest agricultural areas made great progress this fall! See highlights and learn more about this important work to install habitat and educate practitioners about the benefits of monarch habitat. Read More

Autumn Monarch Conservation Updates

Nov 30, 2015


  • Conservation Stories

It has been an exciting autumn for the monarch conservation community. MJV partners and other organizations have been hard at work to restore habitat and monitor for for monarchs. Here are four monarch conservation project highlights from fall 2015. Read More

Give to Monarchs on Give to the Max Day

Nov 12, 2015


  • Conservation Stories

It is our pleasure to express our gratitude and thanks for all our Monarch Joint Venture supporters! We encourage you to continue to join us in this growing movement to protect monarchs by contributing to the MJV today, on Give to the Max Day. Read More