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Monarch Joint Venture Blog

Milkweed Sampling for Monarchs: Pilot Project

Oct 20, 2015


  • Conservation Stories

The MJV, USGS, and the Dept. of the Interior’s 21st Century Conservation Service Corps have launched a pilot effort to collect key information on milkweed densities on and near public lands to help inform national strategies for milkweed restoration. Read More

Victory for Monarchs in California!

Oct 09, 2015


  • Conservation Stories

A new law in California allows the state to take action to conserve and protect monarchs. Congratulations to western monarchs, and the conservationists working hard to protect them! Read More

Three Ways to Help Monarchs this Fall

Oct 06, 2015


  • Community Science
  • Conservation Stories

With autumn setting in the monarchs are heading south for the winter, but our work in isn’t over! Fall can be a great time to engage in monarch conservation efforts. How? Here are three ways to get involved. Read More

Monarch Butterfly Rest Areas Coming to Texas Highways

Oct 01, 2015


  • Conservation Stories

The Native Plant Society of Texas, a Monarch Joint Venture partner, will be designing and installing Monarch Waystations featuring native pollinator plants at Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) highway rest stops. Read More

Saving Ohio’s Pollinators - ODOT State Initiative

Sep 08, 2015


  • Conservation Stories

The Ohio Department of Transportation is adopting a statewide initiative to protect pollinators and monarchs along Ohio roadsides. Conservation Specialist Candy Sarikonda writes about the project's growth from a regional project to statewide action. Read More