Webinar Archive

The MJV partners with the USFWS to develop a series of webinars on monarch biology, monitoring, and conservation. To register for and see a list of our upcoming webinars, go to our events page. The webinars will all be recorded and available for viewing after each is completed. The following webinars are recorded and available for viewing. Please note it takes 2-3 weeks for a webinar recording to be processed. Webinars are also available on the NCTC website here. Please reach out to learn@monarchjointventure.org with questions.
Energy & Transportation
Pollinator-Friendly Ground Cover for Solar SitesAugust 8, 2023Rob Davis, Connexus Energy
Lessons from Roadside Management for MonarchsOctober 10, 2019Alison Cariveau, Monarch Joint Venture
Getting Monarchs into Business - Case Studies of Monarch ConservationAugust 8, 2018Rob Campbell, Wildlife Habitat Council; Susan Kelsey, GM; Heather Meyer, Exelon; Iris Caldwell, Energy Resources Center, Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group
Solar with Monarch Habitat: a Win-Win in the Land of Milkweed and HoneyApril 4, 2017Eric Udelhofen, OneEnergy Renewables; Rob Davis, Fresh Energy
Monarchs and RoadsidesAugust 8, 2016Kyle Kasten, University of Minnesota Monarch Lab; Karen Oberhauser, University of Minnesota Monarch Lab; Jennifer Hopwood, Xerces Society; Ken Graeve, MN Department of Tranportation
Enhancing existing landscapes for monarchs and native pollinators: techniques and case studiesApril 4, 2015Greg Hoch, MN DNR; Laura Jackson and Kristine Nemec, Tallgrass Prairie Center; Mary Byrne and Vicki Wojcik, Pollinator Partnership; Angie Babbit, Monarch Watch