Webinar Archive

The MJV partners with the USFWS to develop a series of webinars on monarch biology, monitoring, and conservation. To register for and see a list of our upcoming webinars, go to our events page. The webinars will all be recorded and available for viewing after each is completed. The following webinars are recorded and available for viewing. Please note it takes 2-3 weeks for a webinar recording to be processed. Webinars are also available on the NCTC website here. Please reach out to learn@monarchjointventure.org with questions.
Monarch Research
Insights from 50 years of Data on Monarch OE InfectionDecember 12, 2023Ania Majewska, University of Georgia
Climatic change impacts on the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve Abies religiosa (Sacred fir) forestDecember 12, 2023Dr. Cuauhtémoc Sáenz-Romero, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo; Dr. José Arnulfo Blanco García, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Implications of Movement Ecology in Conservation Planning for Monarch Butterflies (Danaus plexippus)June 6, 2023Dr. Kelsey Fisher, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Monarch Research ReviewApril 4, 2023Laura Lukens, Monarch Joint Venture; Jennifer Thieme, Monarch Joint Venture
Remote Sensing Technology Development to Aid ConservationDecember 12, 2022Wendy Caldwell, Monarch Joint Venture; Clint Otto, U.S. Geological Survey; Greg Emerick, Simple Business Automation
The Milpa and the Monarch: Indigenous Cosmologies of MexicoNovember 11, 2022Dr. Columba Gonzalez, Mount Saint Vincent Univ.
Climate, Weather, and MonarchsAugust 8, 2022Karen Oberhauser, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison & Leslie Ries, Georgetown Univ.,
Rapid-fire Research: Key Takeaways from the 2021 MJV Monarch Research ReviewJuly 7, 2022Jennifer Thieme, Monarch Joint Venture; Laura Lukens, Monarch Joint Venture
Seasonal Windows of Opportunity for Monarchs in CaliforniaJune 6, 2022Dr. Louie H. Yang, UC Davis
Can We Grow Crops and Monarchs? Risks and Benefits of Monarch Habitat in Agricultural LandscapesJune 6, 2022Steven Bradbury, Iowa State University; Niranjana Krishnan, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Roadsides as Habitat for Monarchs: A Great Opportunity or a Salty Death Trap?March 3, 2022Dr. Emilie Snell-Rood, University of Minnesota
The Monarch Butterfly Fund: Supporting Monarch Conservation in MexicoNovember 11, 2021Don Davis, Monarch Butterfly Fund; Ernest Williams, Monarch Butterfly Fund; Gail Morris, Monarch Butterfly Fund; Guadalupe Del Rio, Alternare; Dr. D. Andre Green II, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Protecting and Restoring California’s Overwintering GrovesSeptember 9, 2021Emma Pelton, The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
Monarch Butterfly Reproduction: From Physiology to BehaviorMay 5, 2021Dr. Karen Oberhauser, University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum; Dr. Michelle Solensky, University of Jamestown
Western Butterflies An Overview of Threats and Population TrajectoriesApril 4, 2021Dr. Matthew Forister, University of Nevada-Reno
Monarchs, Milkweed and Grassland DisturbanceMarch 3, 2021Nathan Haan, Michigan State University
Evaluation of Canopy Structure, Light and Wind in California’s Monarch Groves from Below and AboveJanuary 1, 2021Dr. Stu Weiss, Creekside Science
Conservation of Monarchs in MexicoOctober 10, 2020Eduardo Rendón, World Wildlife Fund Mexico; Eligio García Serrano, Fondo Monarca
Out West: Western Monarch Conservation Efforts - Overwintering HabitatAugust 8, 2020Emma Pelton, The Xerces Society; Dr. Francis Villablanca, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo; Stephanie Little, California State Parks; Erin Chappell, California Dept of Fish and Wildlife
Research Reports from the Field: Monarch Habitat in the USJuly 7, 2020John Pleasants, University of Iowa; Laura Lukens, Monarch Joint Venture; Kyle Kasten, Monarch Joint Venture
Out West: Western Monarch Conservation Efforts - Breeding and Migratory HabitatJuly 7, 2020Amanda Barth, Utah Department of Natural Resources | Western Monarch Working Group; Emma Pelton, The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation; Tom Dilts, University of Nevada - Reno; Elizabeth Crone, Tufts University
Monarch Conservation in CanadaJune 6, 2020Greg Mitchell, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Research Reports from the Field: Monarch Biology and RearingMay 5, 2020Dr. Sonia Altizer, Project Monarch Health - University of Georgia; Dr. Ania Majewska, Project Monarch Health; Emory University; Ayse Tenger-Trolander, University of Chicago; Dr. Marcus Kronforst, University of Chicago; Dr. Karen Oberhauser, University of Wisconsin- Madison Arboretum
Research Reports from the Field: Western MonarchsApril 4, 2020Gail Morris, Southwest Monarch Study; Dr. Francis Villablanca, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo; Sarah Hoyle, The Xerces Society
The Florida Monarch PopulationDecember 12, 2019Dr. Jaret Daniels, University of Florida - Florida Museum of Natural History
Lessons from Roadside Management for MonarchsOctober 10, 2019Alison Cariveau, Monarch Joint Venture
Monarch Butterfly Population ModelingMarch 3, 2019Dr. Chip Taylor, Monarch Watch, University of Kansas
5th Generation Monarchs: What Do We Know and Not KnowOctober 10, 2018Dr. Kristen Baum, Oklahoma State University.
Monarch ParasitoidsMarch 3, 2017Carl Stenoien, University of Minnesota Monarch Lab; Dane Elmquist, University of Minnesota Monarch Lab and Monarch Larva Monitoring Project
Monarchs and ClimateDecember 12, 2016Kelly Nail, US Fish and Wildlife Service; Karen Oberhauser, University of Minnesota Monarch Lab
Assessment of Exotic Milkweed and the Spread of Disease in MonarchsJune 6, 2016Dr. Sonia Altizer, Professor & Associate Dean of Academic Affairs University of Georgia Odum School of Ecology; Ania Majewska, Ph.D. Candidate UofG Odum School of Ecology; Dara Satterfield, Ph.D. Candidate UofG Odum School of Ecology
Monarch Conservation Science PartnershipMay 5, 2016Dr. Karen Oberhauser, University of Minnesota Monarch Lab; Ryan Drum, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Wayne Thogmartin, U.S. Geological Survey; Holly Holt, Monarch Joint Venture
Monarch Research and Advanced TopicsMay 5, 2015Sonia Altizer, Project Monarch Health; Lincoln Brower, Sweet Briar College; Karen Oberhauser, University of Minnesota Monarch Lab