Webinar Archive

The MJV partners with the USFWS to develop a series of webinars on monarch biology, monitoring, and conservation. To register for and see a list of our upcoming webinars, go to our events page. The webinars will all be recorded and available for viewing after each is completed. The following webinars are recorded and available for viewing. Please note it takes 2-3 weeks for a webinar recording to be processed. Webinars are also available on the NCTC website here. Please reach out to learn@monarchjointventure.org with questions.
Urban Monarchs
Wóawaŋyaŋke: Protecting Sacred Land in Urban AreasMay 5, 2023Gabby Menomin, Wakaŋ Tipi Awaŋyaŋkapi; Maggie Lorenz, Wakaŋ Tipi Awaŋyaŋkapi
Planning Small-Scale Native Pollinators HabitatMarch 3, 2023Jennifer Ehlert, Metro Blooms; Jacqueline Nguyen, Metro Blooms; Amanda Barth, Utah State University
The Monarch Migrating Mural Project: Public Art as a Catalyst for ConservationJanuary 1, 2022Jane Kim, Ink Dwell; ,
Aligning Mosquito Control with Pollinator ProtectionJuly 7, 2021Alex Carlson, Metropolitan Mosquito Control District
Reinstalling Native Pollinator Habitat on Private Property in the WestJune 6, 2021Amanda Barth, Utah Department of Natural Resources | Western Monarch Working Group; Ann-Marie Benz, California Native Plant Society
Urban Monarch Butterfly ConservationAugust 8, 2019Abigail Derby-Lewis, The Field Museum; Patrick Fitzgerald, The National Wildlife Federation
Integrating Social Science into Strategic Monarch ConservationJune 6, 2019Christine Brown, Ph.d, US Fish and Wildlife Service; Lex Winter, The Field Museum's Keller Science Action Center
Conserving Monarch Butterflies in an Urban SettingJuly 7, 2015Cortney Solum, Two Rivers National Wildlife Refuge; Kristin Shaw, Ecological Places in Cities program; Catherine Werner, St. Louis Milkweeds for Monarchs